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NZACRes support of NZ Pavilion at BIO2019 in Philadelphia

For the first time, NZ was represented with its own Pavilion at BIO2019, held in Philadelphia June 3-8, 2019. This was a joint venture between a number of Independent Clinical Trials Groups in NZ, and MBIE, and was supported by a contribution of $5000 from NZACRes. The commercial arms of Auckland, Victoria and Otago Universities were also present to showcase their capabilities in Science.

BIO is the World’s premier Expo for International Pharma and Biotech and provides individual players in the industry an opportunity to present themselves and their strengths to the Industry and the World. The objective of the Pavilion and all units contributing was the medium and long-term growth of the clinical trials Industry in NZ.

Key elements of the support for this event include

  • MBIE managed the overall design of the Pavilion and the coordination of the participants.
  • The clinical trial entities that participated at and contributed to the cost of the Pavilion included
    • Lipid and Diabetes Research Group (financial support only)
    • Middlemore Clinical Trials.
    • MRINZ (Medical Research Institute of NZ)
    • Optimal Clinical Trials
    • Pacific Clinical Research Network (Southern Clinical Trials and Lakeland Clinical Research) Pharmaceutical Solutions
    • P3 Research Ltd
  • NZACRes provided $5000 for the for the very well attended and popular hosting function on the Tuesday evening
  • MBIE made a financial contribution of $20,000 plus time from numerous individuals for design and project management.
  • All attendees met their own travel, accommodation and other incidental expenses.

The NZL Pavillion was well received and feedback included

  • The Pavilion presented a simple, clean, uncluttered professional image and drew very positive comments from expat Kiwis from around the world and our Australian cousins
  • All units represented not merely themselves but NZ Inc. This was very evident and positive
  • It is likely that between all 6 units present there were well over 100 positive interactions on the Pavilion with international attendees. The majority of these will have related to interest in clinical trial activity in NZ
  • A number of positive leads were received by each of the attending entities which are likely to benefit not just themselves but other sites in NZ
  • The presence of the 6 entities working together was a very positive experience for all, and contributed to the growing sense of trust and community
  • The recent introduction of a 15% Tax credit for R&D was well received by potential sponsors.

Snapshot of the Pavilion hosting evening at BIO2019

Debriefing session on the NZ Pavilion at close of BIO2019

Richard Stubbs

President NZACRes

July 2019
