The Health & Disability Ethics Committees (HDEC) have released an updated Patient Information Sheet and Consent Form (PISCF) Template in February 2020.
Summary of Change:
Within the Optional Participant Information Sheet for the Use of Tissue for Future Unspecified Research section of the document, the final bullet point has been expanded under the section titled “What happens to my samples after they have been collected?”:
– acknowledge cultural issues that may arise with tissue donation; in the case of the use of Māori human tissue, a specific statement recognising cultural values. The HDECs recommend the following statement:
‘You may hold beliefs about a sacred and shared value of all or any tissue samples removed. The cultural issues associated with sending your samples overseas and/or storing your tissue should be discussed with your family/ whānau as appropriate. There are a range of views held by Māori around these issues; some iwi disagree with storage of samples citing whakapapa and advise their people to consult before participating in research where this occurs. However, it is acknowledged that individuals have the right to choose.’
(new text in green).